Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
JSIE hosted the third Washington Women’s Dialogue on May 4, 2016, with the cooperation of Evermay and some female volunteers in Washington D.C. At the third Washington Women’s Dialogue titled “From living in poverty to becoming a minister”, we welcomed the Honorable Masako Mori, a member of the House of Councillors LDP and the former…
JSIE hosted the second Washington Women’s Dialogue on March 30, 2016, with the cooperation of Keidanren USA and some female volunteers in Washington D.C. At the second Washington Women’s Dialogue, we welcomed Ms. Keiko Honda, the Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Approximately 30 participants working in Washington, D.C. actively…
There are numerous social challenges to overcome not only in Japan but worldwide in order to achieve a society that women can actively and inclusively participate in. To make this vision a reality, JSIE particularly aims to develop and expand Asian women’s presence as global leadership roles in business, government, political, and social activities. We…
JSIE was founded to help people unlock their full potential to promote social change with the cutting edge of technological innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. It promotes empowerment of women and minorities and raises an awareness, thereby building a society that men and women can participate in together. Our traditional values and cultural practices need to…
Dr. Kuno is JSIE Chairperson and is listed as TOP 20 Most Successful Business Women in the USA ( Foreign born category) in Forbes. Please see this link. (in Japanese)
JSIE(Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship)official website opened.