Global Career Series
“Global Career Series” provides online learning opportunity to middle and high school students who are interested in paving their way through their future in the global world. It is an interactive educational program where participants can learn about professional work and experience from the people who are globally active in various fields and study-abroad life from the students studying at overseas universities, and also ask the speakers questions directly. This gives participants not only the opportunity to think about their future life planning but also vital knowledge that may help to navigate future global career. Currently programs is held in Japanese language. This program’s funding provided by the United States Government. You will need zoom or Teams environment. Currently only offered in Japanese.
Next Global Career Series

Kiyotsugu Manabe | Founder of ipdc
Born in Fukuoka City. Had engaged in international development work at JICA and the World Bank. After returning to Japan, he joined McKinsey to support Japanese companies. He founded the education business enterprises of idpc and kashinoki for young people to share his experience. From 2022 he will teach at Kyoto University. He is a graduate of Tsukuba University, the University of Tokyo, and Johns Hopkins University SAIS. He has also opened a ramen shop in Vietnam. His hobbies are kickboxing and interior.
Global Student Peer Roundtable Discussion
“Global Student Peer Roundtable” provides online discussion opportunity among peer high school students from various parts of the world. JSIE directors will facilitate the discussion and help exchange various ideas among students from different background. Each session, JSIE will set a discussion theme and call applications. Applications are first-come-first-serve-basis. Students can propose future theme/issues of their interest. The Roundtable discussion will take approximately once in 3-4 months, and any high school students can participate online and engage in group discussions. We can accommodate English and/or Japanese speakers. This Roundtable series provides participants not only the opportunity to share your own views, but also get inspired from how others view the world differently. JSIE thinks that such opportunity will impact your thinking that may help to navigate future global career. You will need zoom or Teams environment. Please state your name, school (location as well), grade, and one paragraph of self-introduction. Self-introductions are shared among participants. Please send above to Please sign up for JSIE free membership, so that you will receive event info in JSIE newsletters.
#6 Roundtable Discussion June 18, 2022 8:30-10:00pm EDT
June 19, 2022 9:30-11:00am JST
Theme: Cross cultural discussion “Thinking about Ukraine issue”
Facilitator: JSIE Director Dr. Fumiko Sasaki, Columbia Univ. Lecturer
At this roundtable cross-cultural discussion, we would like to exchange opinions on various issues regarding Ukraine and international politics. We would like to share everyone’s view and think about such theme together.
Theme: COVID-19 and New Normal
Facilitator: Fumiko Sasaki (JSIE Director)
What are the challenges we face today with COVID-19? What would be our New Normal? We have discussed differences in perspectives in the U.S. and in Japan, and why that happens.
#4 Roundtable Discussion April 30, 2021
Theme: Cross cultural discussion “Gender and Diversity”
Facilitator: Hiromi Murakami
At this roundtable cross-cultural discussion, we shared everyone’s experience from various parts of regions and think about such theme together.
#5 Roundtable Discussion January 15, 2022
Theme: Cross cultural discussion “Climate Change”
Facilitator: JSIE Director Dr. Fumiko Sasaki, Columbia Univ. Lecturer
We exchanged opinions on various issues regarding Climate Change.