We are honored to have Mr. Goda for reunion tea party on March 17, 2019. WISE fellows and Kumamoto WISE participant gathered and enjoyed pitches and Q&A session with peers. In 2019, we will have in Kumamoto (May 18-19) and Beppu (Aug. 2-4).

★Mentor Makoto Goda
Makogo Goda is a rising start in venture world, and has a extensive network as well as broad knowledge about startups. This was a great chance as it is rare to get his private feedback session.
合田真氏 Makoto Goda
President & CEO of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co. Ltd.
Makoto Goda is President & CEO of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co. Ltd. Born in Nagasaki, Japan. Soon after entering Kyoto University (Law), Goda left the university and pursued own interest of energy-generating ventures, and founded Nippon Biodiesel Fuel in 2000, chiefly operating businesses in Asia and Africa. In 2012, Goda established a subsidiary of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel in Mozambique, and has been engaging projects of locally produced renewable energy, food production, and ICT financial services. http://www.nbf-web.com/jatropha.html
He has published his first book in 2018『20億人の未来銀行ニッポンの起業家、電気のないアフリカの村で「電子マネー経済圏」を作る』(日経BP)