How do we learn Diversity Equity & Inclusion?
Lecture & interactive workshop
- Date : August 2024
- Theme :「The Power of Diversity Learned as a Russian-Japanese」
- Lecturer:Chuk Besher (bio below)
- DE&I Game Facilitator: Hiromi Murakami JSIE
- Feedback Session MC:Mayumi Sugita, JSIE
- # of participant or size:MIn. 30 people ~ 200 people (please consult)

チュック ベッシャ―|Chuk Besher Plan Be K.K. CEO and Executive Producer

村上 博美|Hiromi Murakami President of JSIE
Hiromi Murakami is the Founder and President of JSIE. Prior to founding JSIE, she’s involved in various policy projects in US/Japanese institutions, including Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Global Health Policy Center, the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), and Economic Strategy Institute. Currently is also a Visiting scholar at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to this, she led Asia research as a vice president at the Economic Strategy Institute in Washington, D.C., and taught courses at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington.

杉田 麻由美|Sugita, Mayumi Director for External Relations
Mayumi is a director for external relations at Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship (JSIE.) She joined JSIE as one of the starting members in 2015. Until July 2024, she worked for the Japanese subsidiary of a U.S. IT company, where she was mainly involved in organizational management such as finance and human resource and client relations. Prior to that, she worked as a program officer at a policy think tank and educational institutions in both Japan and the U.S., supporting researchers and planning and managing programs, especially policy dialogue and international exchange programs, as well as public relations. She is a graduate of the University of Leeds, UK.
ワークショップ参加者の声 Voices of participants
・言語化できないほど様々な気づきや学びがありました。多様性とともにアイデンティティにも関わるお話だと感じました。学校という場で様々なレベルのバイアスについて、気づいて考えていかなければならないと改めて思いました。そもそも「正しさ」とは、など振り返って考えることが多くありました。このDE&I 「ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン」という言葉を初めて学びました。