Academyhills Library x JSIE Collaboration event
JSIE, in association with Academyhills Library, launched a new forum series “First Movers Forum” in 2017. We welcome globally-active first movers in various fields to participate as speakers/panelists and to share their trials, challenges and lessons.
We support individuals who have the courage to solve local/global challenges and to boldly move forward with actions on various fronts. By engaging in dialogue with inspiring individuals, we can gain insight into problem-solving, expand our realm of activities, and broaden our perspectives from local to regional and from regional to global.
At our 5th First Movers Forum, under the theme of “Creating New Social Standard,” we discussed passionate approaches in creating innovative social norm for next generations. We are experiencing rapidly changing societal norms along with technological development and globalization. Things that seemed to be promising in the past no longer valid today. Most needed is the ability to question existing framework and take action to introduce new societal standard. We have invited panelists who are directly involved in creating new societal standard for themselves and next generations.
Event Information
- Date: November 20, 2018. 19:15–20:45 (Door opens at 18:45)
- Venue: Academyhills in Roppongi Hills
- Theme: “Creating New Societal Standard” (in Japanese)
- Panelists: Ms. Atsuko Horie, Mr. Wataru Kainuma, Mr. Atsuyoshi Saisho
- Format: Round-table talk and Q&A
- Facilitator: Hiromi Murakami (JSIE) ; MC: Mayumi Sugita (JSIE)

Atsuko Horie CEO Sourire, Inc.
2010年スリール株式会社を設立。ライフキャリア教育プログラムであるワーク& ライフ・インターンを通じ、何百家庭ものキャリアや働き方を自らの目で見た経歴を持つ。
内閣府「男女共同参画会議専門委員」、厚生労働省「イクメンプロジェクト委員」、東京都文京区 「ぶんきょうハッピーベイビー応援団委員」など、複数行政委員を兼任。日経ウーマン「次世代ガール25人」 、日経ビジネス「チェンジメーカー10」 、「第9回若者力大賞ユースリーダー賞」 選出。日経新聞、テレビ東京ガイアの夜明けなど、メディア取材多数。

Wataru Kainuma Founder and CEO, Urushi Rocks, Inc.

Atsuyoshi Saisho Founder, E-education
Inspired by the Grameen Bank’s work, Atsuyoshi established an e-education system among the poor in Bangladesh. At the age of 19, he became the first Japanese coordinator of the research laboratory of Grameen Bank. In 2010, he started up the e-Education Project and was inaugurated president. He won both Grand Prix and Watami Special Awards of Everyone’s Dream Award 2010. In 2011, he published “DO IT! DO IT! GO AHEAD!” (Kirakusha) describing his story of development up to the start of the e-Education Project. He is the main partner in the World Bank Group’s 2014 Innovation Challenge winning project “E-Science Education Project – Bangladesh”.

Hiromi Murakami JSIE President (Facilitator)
Hiromi Murakami is the Founder and President of JSIE. Prior to founding JSIE, she’s involved in various policy projects in US/Japanese institutions, including Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Global Health Policy Center, the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), and Economic Strategy Institute. Currently Murakami is also an adjunct fellow with the CSIS Global Health Policy Center and is a Visiting Fellow at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, Japan. She holds an M.B.A. from St. Mary’s College and a Ph.D. in international relations from Johns Hopkins SAIS.

Mayumi Sugita
Director for External Relations, JSIE
Mayumi has more than 10 years of experience as executive assistant in both the United States and Japan. She worked at Mitsui & Co. (USA), Inc. in New York City and at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, DC. After returning to Tokyo, she was first the Executive Assistant to the President of National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Program Officer for External Relations at Tokyo Foundation, a Japanese think tank. In addition to JSIE, she is also a non-permanent employee at Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). Mayumi is a graduate of University of Leeds in UK.