Mentors and Advisors
合田 真|Makoto, Goda
President & CEO, Nippon Biodiesel Fuel Co. Ltd.
Makoto Goda is President & CEO of Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co. Ltd. Born and grew up in Nagasaki, Japan. Soon after entering Kyoto University (Law), Goda left the university and pursue own interest of energy-generating ventures, and founded Nippon BIodiesel Fuel in 2000, chiefly operating businesses in Asia and Africa. In 2012, Goda established a subsidiary of Nippon BIodiesel Fuel in Mozambique, and has been engaging projects of locally produced renewalble energy, food production, and ICT financial services.
小早川鈴加|Suzuka, Kobayakawa
KIBOW Impact Fund
Suzuka Kobayakawa is affiliated to project development of KIBOW Impact Investment Team. Suzuka Kobayakawa has joined KIBOW foundation after having worked as Project Manager at a social start-up company in Nigeria, as Reporting Officer for UNDP in Nepal, and as a Team Leader at Recruit in Japan. She is also an Acumen Global Fellow. She holds an MA in Sustainable Development from the SIT Graduate Institute.
小安美和|Miwa, Koyasu
President, Will Lab
Miwa Koyasu is President of Will Lab. Started as a journalist at Nikkei Newspaper in 1995, and worked at publishing companies in Singapore. Joined Recuit Holdings in 2005, and became Corporate Vice President at Recruit Jobs Co., Ltd, after working at its Shanghai office and leading “ABRoad” magazine as chief editor. Initiated Iction! Project within Recuit Jobs Co., Ltd, in 2015 as the project director, and started own business “Will Lab” in 2016, for supporting women empowerment, career development, leadership consultation, and providing advisory services. Also preparing handmade craft business to create women’s employment in developing nations. Currently serves a regional revitalization advisor of the Iwate Prefecture Kamaishi City, and Executive Prtner of ChangeWave Inc.
Gerald Lema
Managing Partner and Representative Director, Cylon Capital
Global Chairman, Catalyst Board of Advisors
Mr. Lema is Managing Partner and Representative Director of Cylon Capital, a private investment group based in Tokyo that invests in brands and technologies for the Japanese and Asia Pacific markets. Mr. Lema has more than 25 years of pharmaceutical, diagnostics, healthcare and consumer experience in the US, Asia, Europe/Middle East and Africa and Latin America. Prior to Cylon Capital, Mr. Lema was Corporate Vice President and President, Asia Pacific and Chairman, Japan for Baxter International from 2005 until 2015. He was responsible for over 14,000 employees in Japan, China, Korea, South East Asia and Australia/New Zealand.
Before Baxter, Mr. Lema worked at Abbott Laboratories where he held several positions of increased responsibility in general management, strategy and business development based in the US, Europe and Asia. His last position with Abbott Laboratories was Corporate Vice President, Asia Pacific, and Chairman and Representative Director, Abbott Laboratories Japan. He also worked previously for Volvo AB of Sweden.
Mr. Lema is a graduate of the Stanford Business School Executive Program, Stanford University, has a Master of Business Administration from the Freeman School of Business, Tulane University and has a Bachelor of Science, Engineering, from Universidad del Valle, Colombia.