社会の閉塞感を打ち破る大きな原動力となりうる女性や若者の活躍の場を広げ、一人ひとりが力を発揮でき、一人ひとりがリーダーシップをとり、力を発揮し行動することによって、誰もが自分らしい生き方のできる社会の実現を目指します。そのために、女性のエンパワーメントを促進しながら、グローバルコミュニティに対する貢献度を高めることを目的としてWashington Women’s Dialogue(WWD)を開催しています。WWDでは、国際問題や社会問題など幅広いイシューを考えつつ、先達の生き方に学ぶ場を提供します。ワシントンDCを拠点にロールモデルとなる各界のリーダーをゲストスピーカーに迎え、ライフストーリーを共有しながら、少人数でスピーカーと身近に議論できる機会を提供いたします。本イベントシリーズはMaureen and Mike Mansfield Foundationのご協力をいただいております。
今回のスピーカーは、ワシントンで活躍するアーティストをお招きしました。木村綾乃さんはワシントンバレエ団のカンパニーダンサーとして、ロミオ&ジュリエット主役をはじめ、今シーズンハイライトである眠れる森の美女(2019年2月)でも主役を務める予定です。一方、柳谷良さんは新進気鋭のピアニストとして、音楽監督も務めながら演奏会もエネルギッシュに行うなど、今を輝くお二人にこれまでの道のり、選択肢、決断、現在のお仕事についたきっかけや、またどのようにご自身のキャリアを築き上げ開拓されてきたのかお話をお伺いしました。ファシリテータはJSIE Councilメンバーの林由佳さんが務めてくださいました。
場所:Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
1156 15th Street, NW Suite 1105 | Washington, D.C. 20005)

木村綾乃氏 ワシントンバレエ団 カンパニーダンサー

Ryo Yanagitani, Artistic Director of the Ryuji Ueno Foundation
Hailed by the Washington post as “A pianist’s pianist”, Ryo has established himself as one of Canada’s shining artists. His success includes winning the gold medal at the 10th San Antonio International Piano Competition, where he was also given special recognition for a performance of the complete Chopin Ballades. He is also the grand prize winner of the Hugo Kauder International Piano competition and a laureate of the Minnesota International Piano-e-Competition, the Dr. Luis Sigall International Piano competition in Vina del Mar (Chile), and the Hilton Head International Piano Competition. In addition to his solo career, he is much sought after as a chamber musician, performing in a wide range of settings from the duo sonata repertoire to large ensembles. A recipient of many scholarships and awards, Ryo has been endowed twice by the Canadian Arts Council with a grant as an Emerging Artist, and is a recipient of the Arthur Foote Scholarship from the Harvard Musical Association. He was also awarded the Sony Foundation of America Career Grant through the Salon de Virtuosi of New York, and a Washington Award by the S&R Foundation of Washington DC. Ryo Yanagitani received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Yale School of Music under Boris Berman, a Bachelor Degree in Piano Performance from the University of British Columbia under Doctor Henri-Paul Sicsic, and an Artist Diploma from the Cleveland Institute under Sergei Babayan.

林 由佳 氏 JSIE Council, WSJ(ファシリテータ)
Yuka Hayashi covers financial regulation at the Wall Street Journal’s Washington bureau. Until 2015, she was a correspondent and deputy bureau chief at the paper’s Tokyo office, writing about economy, foreign policy, and culture. Before joining the paper in 2004, she was a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires, a sister publication, based in New York and Tokyo. She started her career in journalism at Reuters.
Yuka a bachelor’s degree in economics from Waseda University and a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. A mother of two, she lives in Washington DC with her husband, daughter and a beagle named Pogo.