定期的にGlobal Peer Youthのメンバーのご紹介をしていきます。We are periodically introducing our Global Peer Youth members from various part of the world.
Jackie (DC)
Hi, I’m Jackie. I’m a J.D. Candidate at a law school in Washington, DC. I originally come from China and graduated from a U.S. college, majoring in International Relations. Before starting my legal education, I worked in two startups based in Asia-Pacific. My goal is to become a legal counsel who is capable of overcoming legal hurdles and cultural barriers. I am very grateful for being educated in a different culture, which exposed me to a lot of different perspectives and values. After graduation, I am very interested in practicing law in Asia-Pacific or Japan. I would very appreciate any advice, insights, or observations about legal industry, career development, personal growth, and any other interesting topics. I am also more than happy to share my experience and try my best to help anyone interested in studying in the U.S.
Theresa (Tokyo)
I’m Theresa, a culture, language & lifestyle blogger online. I was born and grown in Kingston, Jamaica and have years living experience in the United States. I’m a mixed race girl, and have blood from China, across Europe, India and Africa. All of these variables have drawn me into the diaspora of peoples and the growing global culture that our current society is moving towards. In light of my passion, I’ve learned four new languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish + Chinese) and traveled to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan on my own. “Never make decisions about yourself. It doesn’t help define who you are, it simply stops you from expressing the true you. The true you is ever evolving, the true you makes mistakes. Never let yesterday rule your tomorrow.”
Ayaka (DC)
始めまして。2018年8月から交換留学生としてワシントンDCに来ています。経営学を専攻していますが、女性活躍推進にも興味があります。授業内では企業の成長戦略を立てたり、マーケテイングのプランの作成をしています。戦略を立てることに興味があることから、コンサルティング業界への就職を希望しています。人生のあるポイントで青年海外協力隊に応募して、発展途上国でボランティアに従事したいです。将来的には海外で働きたいと考えているため、3~5年企業で働いた後、イギリスの大学院への進学を考えています。Global Peer Professionalを通じて、世界中で活躍している方々のお話を聞きロールモデルを見つけたいです。
Tsubasa (Tokyo)
Hello. I’m Arisa! I am majoring in Health Economics and doing my master course in Japan. My mission is protecting health at an upstream phase in the world.
Mari (Tokyo)
Mayu (Tokyo)